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The hyperlinks below are to web sites that have pictures of Bibles, Breviaries, and the Book of Hours. 

IMPORTANT:  These links are for the sole purpose of providing you with the images of the Bible and the Book of Hours pages.  They are not intended to be an endorsement of any accompanying text, which in most cases is minimal.    Also, clicking on the image will often take you to an enlarged picture or image.

The Lindisfarne Gospels - Moved to Page 2   

    Gutenberg Bible
    named after Johann Gutenberg.  Sometimes called the Mazarin Bible after the French Cardinal Mazarin  It is the first book to be printed with movable type.  Possibly 180 copies were printed.
Proverbs 1r Vol 2
    Page 1r Vol. 1  
    Tobit  Book [liber]of Tobit [Tobias]   [Latin]
    Matthew  or [Matheus]
See more
Deuterocanonical books

Pictures of Catholic German Language Bibles Before Martin Luther



. Vatican
      Book of Revelation or [Apocalypse]

. Kells Links.  See images of them at this site.


.  Carolingian miniatures

1. Ebbo Gospels
 Miniature from the Gospel of Ebbo: Saint Mathew.
Before 823 A.D.  (Epernay: Bib. Munic.) 17x14 cm. The Gospel was written at Hautvillers for Archbishop Eboo of Rheims (d. 843).  Ebbo was a commoner who rose in the context of the court school and from there was assigned the archbishopric of Reims.

     2. Miniature from the Four Gospels: Saint Mathew.
     Reims school, 845-882 AD (New York: Morgan Library M.728 f.14 v.)

     3. Miniature from the Four Gospels, showing Saint Mark.
     Reims school, 845-882 AD. (New York: Morgan Library).

     4. Miniature from Stuttgart Psalter, Black and White:
     Ps 143, 10, showing David and Goliath. First quarter of the 9th c. A.D.  (Stuttgart: Wurt. Landesbib. Folio 158 v.)

     Iro-Frankish and Anglo-Frankish Miniatures during the Carolingian Era

. Halberstadt Gospel: Incipit of the Gospel according to Saint Mark
Anglo-Frankish school, 9th c. A.D. Note the dot decoration, interlacing, and the zoomorphs.

. Gospel according to Luke:   Incipit, possibly from Saint Pantalion, Cologne, from the: "Quonia[m Quidem]," from the Gospel according to Luke. 9th c. A.D. (Koln: Stadtarchiv. Nr. 147 f67v). 27x21.6 cm.

. Evangelary of Saint Mary and the Martyrs:  Incipit or the beginning of it. Trier: Mark Incipit. 9th c. A.D. (Trier: Stadt. Bibl Cod. 231 f. 6). Typical Irish colors and interlacing. The letters are still Roman majuscule rather than Carolingian miniscule.

. Cadmug Evangelary Miniature: Incipit page. 800-833 A.D. Iro-Fulda school. (Fulda Lib. Codex Bonif. 3). Missionary monks, such as the Irish Cadmug, would have made small evengelaries they could stick in a pocket for travelling. Most of these works have been lost.

. Front binding from the Four Gospels, St. Gall. 9th c. A.D..

. Back cover of the Four Gospels, from Saint Gall. 9th c. A.D. Except the four evangelists in the corners, reflects the Irish aesthetic.  


A bible printed by Nikolaus Jenson, 1479

Venice's early reputation as a printing center was largely due to the works of Nikolaus Jenson, who, from 1470 to 1480, printed ninety-eight known works, primarily ancient classics, legal, and theological literature. His Antiqua type, based on Roman inscriptions, is considered the perfect embodiment of humanistic ideals.

This 1479 Bible, printed on vellum, is an outstanding incunabulum, with illuminated initials, and precious miniatures such as that showing scenes from Genesis: the Creation of Man, the Fall, and the Expulsion form Paradise.

. Koninklijke  Bibliotheek's   Religious works
     (National Library of the Netherlands)
      Mediaeval manuscripts and illumination. 

. Daniel Proves Susanna's Innocence Book of Daniel chapter 13
         (See Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible)
. Tobias leaves Tobit; Tobias travels with the angel Raphael
. Tobias and the angel Raphael taking leave of Tobit and Anna
. Raphael and Tobias with fish
. Judith beheads Holofernes with his own sword
. The Bible in education: Susanna, Tobias, Esther, Judith
. Diagram of Jerusalem 1200 AD.   Medium (323 kb)  High  (1.7 mb)


. Bodleian Library, Towards an Image Catalogue . . .

. Bible moralisée. France, Paris(?); 13th century, c. 1235-45.
MS. Bodl. 270b, fol. 183v (detail of roundels D 1-2).

. Bible 13th century See Judith, Baruch, Maccabees

. Manuscript of the Gospels: Ireland? second half of the 8th century Text with decorated initials

. Psalm 1 (Beatus vir), from a Psalter: St. Albans abbey, c.1270-80, Illuminated initial B at the beginning of

. Book of Hours: Flanders, c.1360

. Bibliothèque Nationale de France  provides

    14 and 15 century Book of Hours and breviaries
    John of Berry's Petites Heures, France, Paris 14th Century.
    Breviary of Martin of Aragon, Spain, Catalonia 15th Century.
    The Catalan Atlas, Spain, Majorca 14th century. St Matthew
    Biblical scenes :Clicking on the particular title will give you several
    thumbnail pictures.
    Annunciation ,  Is one of my favorites in this group

Two of my favorites,
Just click on the small image to see it enlarged or the whole page.

. Parchment 1164 AD,  and a Bible 1255 AD  Great picture of Bible.
. Matthew's Gospel. A beautiful scene from a page in the first Gospel.

. The Hellenic Ministry of Culture for The Country of Greece
Great Manuscripts
     Also see their  full catalogue - a large file because of the thumbnails  

. Illumination and Calligraphy From Selected Collections
     lists several thumbnail collections like

      Utah Museum of Fine Arts

. Utah University site includes
     BOOK OF HOURS  LEAF  second quarter of the 15th c., France,

Illuminated manuscripts
      Miniatures from the 13th to 16th centuries.  Nice selection of  JPEG 's  

      Western Europe: 12th - 16th centuries  

l'Université de Liège. Bibliothèque. Miniatures des manuscrits
      French Language only.  Click and manuscript on the left and then click a paticular page on the top.  

. Christus Rex   has a link to THE BOOK OF HOURS OF DUC DE BERRY

. Spalding University
     Book of Hours Illuminated for the Daughter of Francis I
     20 Gorgeous images

. Rare Books  information.

. The Bible as Literature and Art

. Book of Hours , At the  Bibliotheca Schoenbergensis:
     University of Pennsylvania,

. Manuscripts, Images from Medieval and Renaissance
     Columbia University Library.   Mostly just text.

. L'Université de Liège
     (University of Liège, Belgium)  Language: French

. Polyglot Bible  -  The Gospel of St. Luke -  (no pictures)  shows translations in Old English / Middle English / Early Modern English / Present Day English

. DScriptorium
     is devoted to collecting, storing and distributing digital images of
     Medieval manuscripts

.    St. Mark: St. Severin Gospels, incipit. English (Glastonbury?). Beg. 10th c.

. A German Web site with links to JPEG  illuminations 

. A Miniature showing the creation of Eve, the Fall, and banishment from Eden

. Samuel anoints Saul, the King in this colorful biblical miniature.

.   Gospel of Mark 1: 1-3  - In Coptic  1205 AD
This manuscript of the four Gospels is one of the finest surviving Coptic codices of the Middle Ages.  This codex includes both a Coptic version of the Gospels, translated from the Greek, and an Arabic translation.  Opposite the text is a miniature of the Evangelist writing the first word of his Gospel, with the archangel Michael standing beside him.

Gospel of Luke 20: 1-8  - In Arabic - 993 AD
Translated from a Coptic original, it is one of the earliest surviving Arabic versions of any part of the New Testament.

.  Psalter In Ethiopic Fifteenth century


God as Architect / Geometer,
from the French Codex Vindobonensis 2554,  
God as Architect Builder Geometer Craftsman
The Frontispiece of
Bible Moralisee about AD 1220.

Bible moralisée, AD 1233 with Deuterocanonical Books Thobiae or Book of Tobit, Judith,
 Gospels, Nativity of Christ's Birth

The Biblia pauperum ("Paupers' Bible") was a tradition of picture Bibles.
Three episodes from a block-book Biblia Pauperum illustrating typological correspondences between the Old and New Testaments:
Eve and the serpent, the Annunciation, Gideon's miracle
See Biblical Text Explanations


The Velislai biblia picta is an illuminated manuscript of 1325-1349, which is in effect a picture-book of the Bible, as the text is limited to brief titles or descriptions of the 747 pictures from the Old Testament and the New Testament.  The Creation of the World in the Velislav Bible




. Mary worshipping Baby Jesus:  Beautifully decorated Missal,   Kat.-Nr. 118  

. The scourging at the pillar Kat.-Nr. 118  

. Christ on the Cross:  Shedding His most precious Blood. Kat.-Nr. 118 p84 

. Christ on the Cross with the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint John

Streubestände 1

. Wisdom of Solomon   Kat.-Nr. 69 — Hs. 427H Plutarchus. Guarinus Veronensis. Florenz, 1452/1455-1462.
. Psalm 1: Kat.-Nr. 80 — 36 Wien, Erzbischöfliche Bibliothek
Psalterium. Varia. Böhmen, 4. Viertel 14. Jh. (vor 1396 ?).

. The Prophet Baruch: From a Bible fragment. Biblia 1385  Mähren, Kat.-Nr. 28  

. Saint Matthew: Colorful full page miniature of him from the 9th  Century. Kat.-Nr. 92

. St. John Evangelist


Bible Oxford England , early 13th century Illuminated including
Deuterocanonical books

fol 5r Genesis Initial I n Creation

fol 69r  Joshua proclaiming to the people

fol 85v Ruth

Kings 2
fol 117v Kings 4 old version  Kings 2 new Initial P revaricatus

fol 159v Judith praying

fol 168v  God correcting Satan

Psalms 1
fol 176v  Psalm 1 Initial B eatus  David playing harp

Psalms 52
fol 184v Psalm 51 52  David and Goliath 

Psalms 69
fol 187r Psalm 68 69  Jonah and whale.  God above

Wisdom of Solomon
fol 218r  Solomon holding scepter

fol 223v Ecclesiasticus Sirach Initial O mnis Solomon holding sword

fol 269r Lamentations  Jeremiah weeping

fol 270v Baruch with Jeremiah dictating below

Letter of Jeremiah - Baruch Chapter 6
fol 272r Letter of Jeremiah

fol 289r Daniel and the lions

fol 300v Jonah in the whale. God above

1 Maccabees
fol 307v I Maccabees

fol 325v Matthew Initial L iber

fol 363v St Paul he falls off horse Acts 9

2 John 3 John Jude
fol. 400v
a) II John.
Initial S(enior) St. John the Evangelist, bearded (as the Ancient) holding scroll
b) III John.
Initial S(enior)
c) Jude. I(udas)

fol 401r Apocalypse Revelation Initial A pocalypsis


See more
Bible Latin England Oxford early 13th century Illuminated


Book of Tobias  from Bible AD 1270


Bad links

. Matthew’s Gospel 1: 1-3: Evangeliarium, 9th  Century. Kat.-Nr. 92

. Matthew 1: 4-16:  Text only, Latin. Evangeliarium Kat.-Nr. 92

. St. Luke  Evangelist Lukas Kat.-Nr. 92

John's Gospel  1:1


Czech Antiphon


Wien oder Wiener Neustadt, Stadtmuseum 1325

. St. Matthew (Evangelist Matthäus.)  Mat 1:1  Kat.-Nr. 133

. Matthew's Gospel  Chapter 1: 1-6  Kat.-Nr. 133

. St. Mark , St. Luke , St. John , John 1:1 Kat.-Nr. 133

. A golden cover for what was obviously a prized possession Evangeliarium Kat.-Nr. 133



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