Evangelize the Easy Way



Why These Icons Are So Important in Evangelization 

Pictures from the camera of God’s eye

The Great Advantages of Using T- Shirts in Evangelization 




Closed Mindedness – Biggest Obstacle :

Starting the Conversation   -  Breaking Through Closed Mindedness


Annunciation Icon

First: Explaining how the Annunciation Icon is appropriate for Christmas

Second: Explain the  Spiritual  Significance of the Annunciation Icon

Last  Supper  Icon

First: Explaining how the Last Supper - Crucifix  Icon is appropriate for Christmas

A. The word Christmas,  

B.  Myrrh, or 

C.  Joy

1.  What is true Joy?

2.  What is the meaning of
     Christmas ? 
    Three Questions

a.      From what are we  
         being saved?

b.     For what are we being
        saved?   And

c.      How are we saved?

3.  How does this icon symbolize Joy and Love?

a.  God the Father’s love
     for mankind
b.  Jesus’ love for   
c.  Jesus’ love for His
     and most importantly
d.  God the Father’s love
     for God the Son.


Second :
Choose to explain one of the several spiritual meanings of the Last Supper - Crucifixion Icon


The Key to Healthy Relationships 


Explaining the Mass

How much did Jesus value the Mass?

What is the biggest lie that has ever been told ? 







Evangelize the Easy Way -
with  Icons by Msgr. Anthony La Femina


What is the first thing you see when looking at this Icon ?   Crucifix ?  Suffering ?  If that is our answer we need to ask God for spiritual glasses – corrective lenses –  to focus on the most important things.  So, what is the most important thing you see when looking at this Icon ? 

The most important thing is the greatest thing.  It is the love of God the Father and the love of God the Son.  See  Joy The greatness of God’s love far surpasses the significance of the suffering of the cross.  And His love and the Joy of salvation far surpass the suffering in our own lives no matter how great that is.

What is the highest form or example of Love, and the best depiction of it ? 
This Icon of the Last Supper - Crucifix.

Why are the faces in the Icon depicted as they are? 
Icons focus on the greater spiritual truths.  The faces of Jesus and the Saints will depict a smaller nose and mouth than normal because we are called to sometimes deny ourselves sensual pleasures in order to follow the higher path to heaven.  The eyes are depicted as sleepy for that reason.  They are larger than normal because with the “eyes of faith” we see much more.  Icons focus on the greater beauty of love and salvation than worldly pleasures.  There is nothing more ugly than a worldly beautiful person committing a horrible sin.


The Key to Healthy Relationships

Jesus gives us the key to healthy relationships.  On the cross He shows us what true love really means. It is always in union with doing the will of our heavenly Father who is the source of all that is good.  To the extent that a relationship is contrary to the will of God, it is not a loving, or a good relationship.


Many people will choose to “alleviate” their suffering by engaging in sin.  And that sin will lead to more suffering for themselves and others.  This Icon provides the occasion to explain a better, more fruitful, and holier approach.  Although that will obviously not eliminate suffering it will enable the evangelist to demonstrate a path of holiness that will make suffering worth enduring.  Suffering can become an occasion that enables us to grow into a better person and enables us to be a channel of God’s love and mercy to help those we love the most.

 See Love,  or  Suffering


A 100 Day Spiritual Marathon
by Ronda Chervin, Ph.D.

Blogs on Relationships, Suffering, etc




How much does God love you?

Is the Mass just a boring ritual?

How much value do you place on going to Mass?

How much value did Jesus place on the Mass?

How much is your life, and your vocation worth?

How much meaning and value can suffering have?

True Beauty,

True Love,

True Joy,

The Key to healthy relationships - Finding and doing God's will,


Mary's Role in our Salvation



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