Mary Queen of Heaven - Jeremiah
Does the condemnation of the worship of the Queen
of Heaven in Jeremiah have a connection with Catholic devotion to Mary ?
Answer: No, but notice below how and why Satan
seems to be doing everything he can to prevent us from following Jesus’
example of honoring Mary.
Jeremiah 7:18
“The children gather wood, their fathers light the fire, and the women
knead dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven, while libations are
poured out to strange gods”
Jeremiah 44:17
“…we will burn incense to the queen of heaven and pour out libations to
Offering sacrifice such as the cakes mentioned
above or the burning of incense are forms of worship. And Jeremiah
rightly condemned all idolatry, including the worship of the false Queen
of Heaven Ishtar.
And the
Church clearly condemns the worship of Mary.
False Queen of Heaven Ishtar
The queen Jeremiah was referring to is
identified as the Assyro-Babylonian Ishtar [Greek: Ἀστάρτη, “Astártē”],
goddess of fertility (cf.
1 Sm 31:10;
1 Kgs 11:5,
2 Kgs 21:3–7).
Cakes shaped like stars (Ishtar was identified with the planet Venus)
were offered in her honor. [From notes in NAB]
We must remember that Satan was present and
witnessed the curse and prophesy of Genesis 3:15
Genesis 3:15
“I [God] will put enmity between you [Satan] and the woman, and between
your offspring and hers”
Satan knew that the Woman of this
prophesy would oppose him completely (by the grace of God) and be his
biggest opponent among human beings. (Jesus is a Divine Being with a
human nature.) So, it
should not be surprising that Satan, who is the father of lies, John
8:44, would want to set up a false Queen of Heaven to confuse people so
that they didn’t recognize Mary as the true Queen of Heaven.
Counterfeit Points to the Existence of an Original
A counterfeit offers testimony or
evidence that there is an original from which it was made. A
counterfeit $50 bill suggests that somewhere there really is an actual
legitimate $50 bill. Conversely, no one makes a counterfeit USA $3
bill for the same reason
(except for my cousin Earnest who is doing 10 to 20 years behind bars at
Sing. I told him not to bleach those $5 bills.) |