How Big Is Your Ego ?
It should be Rock solid!
Many people mistakenly place their ego’s on their
accomplishments or on what other’s think of them. Now, consider the
good quarterback who sincerely tries his best, but loses a game because
of a late interception. Or consider the person who evangelizes God’s
good news to his friends out of love for them, and who is now rejected
by those friends. Our ego’s should not be so fragile. They should not
be so shallow. And it is probably a sin to place so much importance on
things of this world when it is really the things of heaven we should
When we build a mountain, or an ego, that is
opposed to God’s perfect will, that mountain needs to be crushed and it
will be crushed so that we can go to heaven. God wants us to build –
yes, it takes work – our ego on the Rock.
I believe our ego should be as follows:
I am the worst sinner that I know of because I
can see glimpses of my own guilt, but I cannot see other’s guilt.
If not for the grace of God, there go I. (And, I am even forbidden
by the Bible to even try to judge another’s guilt.) And yet, still
I know that I am deeply loved by my Father in heaven who asked His
Son to die for my sins and establish a Church to guide me and take
me home into heaven. He offers me the grace and the Sacraments to
truly repent, and to commit my life to Him and to live in a good and
loving way. Because my ego is based on the deep love that Jesus
expressed so perfectly for ME my ego is based on a ROCK that cannot
be shaken.
As for my accomplishments, they are more God’s gift
to me than things of my own doing because it is only by His grace that I
have life itself, the knowledge, the will, the power and the ability to
accomplish any of those things.
When I see others committing the most terrible of
sins I cannot look down on them in contempt as if I were their
judge. Perhaps they were not given the graces mentioned above that
I may be tempted to take for granted. How many of those graces have
been given to me simply because others have prayed for me about which I
know nothing about ?
Let Jesus be your Rock!
If you would like to read more on what makes you
important please read the article :
Or read the following commentary on a new book about
Self-Esteem and the Love of God
By Dr. Jeff Mirus
"Michel Esparza is a medical doctor who also holds a doctorate in
Philosophy from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Ordained a
priest in 1986, he has extensive experience in the spiritual direction
of those who have difficulty trusting in God’s love. Those who are
troubled by pride, low self-esteem, frustration at their own weaknesses,
a compulsion to seek the affirmation of others, broken relationships, or
a lack of confidence in God’s very real and very personal love, should
read Self-Esteem without Selfishness. Fr. Esparza can help." |