Abortion or Contraception,
Which Do We Fight ?
Even the
Supreme Court in USA has recognized
the link between artificial contraception and the “need” for
legalized abortion.
My friend stated, “How can we fight the battle against
artificial contraception until we win the battle against
abortion ? Getting people to see that artificial contraception
is wrong is like climbing Mt. Everest. While getting them to
accept that abortion is wrong is like climbing Mt. McKinley.
Until we can climb Mt. McKinley it does not make any sense to
try to climb Mt. Everest.”
This line of thinking has led many to believe that we should
not bother trying to actively promote the moral teaching against
artificial contraception until we have won the battle against
abortion. This thinking is dangerously wrong for several
First: getting people to accept that abortion is “bad” is
not the same thing as getting them to refrain from getting one
in a “desperate” situation.
Second: we will *not* win the battle against abortion until we
also win the battle against artificial contraception. They are
inextricably linked because the use of artificial contraception invariable
leads to more abortions.
Third: we are obligated to promote the *fullness* of the good
news at all times. The moral teachings that God has given to us through
Natural Law is part of that good news. They are laws, or directions,
given to us by our Heavenly Father in order to protect us from harm. For more on this subject click on
my other web page on Truth.
It is true that it is easier to see that something about abortion is
wrong. Even those politicians who champion the legal “rights”
of a woman to have an abortion see abortion as undesirable. They even
attempt to “reduce” the number of abortions. Their approach
to “fighting” abortion is to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies
by promoting various birth control methods (1) and
by preaching the so called “safe sex.” However,
these practices inevitable fail and unwanted pregnancies do
result and their “need” for abortion is made
manifest. Even though they “oppose” abortion they lack
the moral courage to oppose it even when it involves the sacrifice
of letting the baby live, be born, and the consequences of that.
CNS News reports:
Writing in this week's issue of the British Medical
Journal (BMJ), Dr. Trevor Stammers of London's St. George's Hospital Medical School noted that
“up to 80 percent of unintended pregnancies (in Britain) result from contraceptive failure. ... We
have been thumping the tub of contraception education for years and the problem is getting
worse.” Abstinence education needed. Joanna Thompson, director of the pregnancy crisis
department at charity CARE, agreed with Stammers' assessment and said that recent U.K.
government research into teen pregnancy shows that abstinence should be a fundamental part of
sex education programs. [ CNSNews.com, January 08, 2002, Mike Wendling, London Bureau Chief ]
Even the United States Supreme Court has ruled that
access to abortion was necessary as a backup to failed
contraception. In the case Planned Parenthood vs. Casey,
1992, the court said, “In several critical respects, abortion is
of the same character as the decision to use contraception. For
two decades of economic and social development [i.e. since the
1973 decision which legalized abortion in Roe vs. Wade], people
have organized intimate relationships and made choices that
define themselves and their places in society, in reliance on
the availability of abortion in the event that contraception
should fail.”The relationship between abortion and contraceptives is becoming
ever more increasingly clear. Many contraceptives, such as the Pill,
actually cause abortions. See Links below.
Artificial contraception is dangerous, not just because it is always
evil, but also because it seduces a person into a dangerous way of thinking.
The contraceptive mentality severs the connection between sexual intercourse
and procreation. It separates Love from Life in the marital act.
(2) It leads people into thinking
that they can satiate their own selfish sexual desires without
planning for the possibility of a new life coming into
existence. Most people using artificial contraception are
not seriously considering, planning ahead and preparing to
accept the serious life changing results that would come with
the birth of a new child. They are inclined to ignore the
minute possibility of getting pregnant. And in some cases
they are deluded into thinking that they can have premarital
relations or even adulterous relationships without
“getting caught” or having “to pay the price.”
However, contraceptives do fail. And in real life situations it
happens more often than people think.
See Are
Condoms Foolproof, or for Fools?
While abstinence is foolproof, condoms are not. And unwanted pregnancies do happen
when people use them. A contraceptive
culture that trains people not to control their passions with the help of
God’s grace, but rather to give in to their desires of the moment, will always
produce people who during certain times will find it just to inconvenient
to get or to use the contraceptive due to the immense desire of the moment.
And what is going to happen when these unwanted pregnancies do happen
? What will [ and does] happen when a young teenage girl gets
pregnant and the prospect of having a baby at this time in her life could
result in one of many different possible forms of suffering ? Will she
be strong enough to face and accept the *life changing* decision
to bring this baby to full term ? Will she be strong enough to
hold fast to her pro-life beliefs and to reject the easy lie that her child
is just a glob of tissue ? Will she be strong enough even if that includes
in her being alienated from her parents ? Will she be strong enough even
if she has to drop out of school to have the baby ? Even if she has
to give up the many prospects for marriage who might not now propose to her
? Even if she has to give up the scholarship that she might have
earned to her favorite college, etc. ?
Or how
about the young unmarried woman to whom giving birth to her baby would
result in her having to postpone or even give up her ambition to finish
college, will the “somewhat pro-lifer” be strong enough to hold fast to
her values ? What if she had to give up on capitalizing on what perhaps
might be the once in a life time opportunity that would enhance her career
Or how about the father ? Is he going to be responsible enough
to encourage his partner to complete her pregnancy by accepting all the responsibilities
that come with raising a child to adulthood ?
And how about the pregnancy that results from an adulterous fling
? Will that couple have the strength to let their indiscretion to be
made known to the public by bringing their child to full term ?
The possible scenarios are endless, but the point is that saying
no to abortion and bringing to full term this unwanted pregnancy involves
a much greater degree of suffering, a much greater cross than in living a
chaste life and accepting Humane Vitae, i.e. natural family planning.
Will people who have practiced violating God’s law, i.e. by rejecting natural
family planning and who have to some degree shut off some of the avenues of
God’s grace, all of sudden become super saints who can take on this bigger
cross ?
The very real scenarios above vividly point to the inextricable
connection between contraception and abortion. Even the pro-abortionists
recognize the link between contraception and abortion. Dr. Malcom Potts,
the former medical director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation
stated that “as people turn to contraception, there will be a rise, not a
fall in the abortion rate.”
In fact in each country which
has made contraceptive easily available there has been a marked increase in
the demand for abortion. And abortion has become legal in all of those
That there is a link between contraception and promiscuity was also
admitted by two doctors who were credited with developing the birth control
pill. Dr. Robert Kirstner of Harvard Medical School conceded that
“For years I thought that the pill would not lead to
promiscuity, but I’ve changed my mind.” Also, Dr Min-Chueh
Chang has recognized that the pill has made teenagers “more
Sure, there are many like the politicians described above that recognize
that abortion is an ugly thing, but how many have the moral courage to accept
the crosses described above. When an unwanted pregnancy comes about,
especially when it was assumed that it would never come about, it forces
upon the parents some very difficult choices. These choices which have
certain immediacy in being addressed were often never even previously considered
in a serious manner, since it had been assumed that their contraceptive lifestyle
would have precluded such heavy sacrifices. It can be extremely hard
for these parents not to suppose and pretend that the lies, so prevalent
in our culture, are true: that is, that it is just a blob of tissue.
This is true even for those who had previously rejected these lies.
The contraceptive lifestyle ends up coercing parents to reject their previously
held pro-life standards to make exceptions for this unexpected pregnancy
that they now feel trapped into terminating.
Preaching the fullness of the good news greatly aids prospective
mothers and fathers into being pro-life.
Psalm 119: 42
“… for my hope is in thy ordinances… 49
Remember thy word to thy servant, in which thou hast made me
hope. This is my comfort in my affliction that thy promise
gives me life. Godless men utterly deride me, but I do not
turn away from thy law. When I think of thy ordinances from of
old, I take comfort, O Lord… 105 Thy word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.”
Failing to preach it makes them vulnerable.
Hosea 4:6
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
... And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also
will forget your children.” Proverbs 19:2
“Without knowledge even zeal is not good.”
Matthew 15:14
“If a blind person leads a blind person, both
will fall into a pit.”
Many married woman, who find themselves in unstable marital
relationships, also choose to get abortions. And the
use of artificial contraceptives is at least a partial rejection
of God's grace and that contributes to the instability of those
marriages, which in turn leads to more pressure to justify or
rationalize the legitimacy of abortion, or in some cases
to have an abortion but with “regrets.” See Links below for post-abortion
Bible : Douay-Rheims Version
Book of Tobias (Tobit) Chapter 6: 16-22
16 Then the angel Raphael said to him: Hear me, and
I will shew thee who they are, over whom the devil can prevail. 17 For they who in such manner receive matrimony, as to shut out
God from themselves, and from their mind, and to give themselves to their
lust, as the horse and mule, which have not understanding, over them the devil
hath power. 18 But thou when thou shalt take her, go into the chamber, and
for three days keep thyself continent from her, and give thyself to nothing
else but to prayers with her. ... 22 And when the third night is past, thou shalt take the virgin
with the fear of the Lord, moved rather for love of children than for lust,
that in the seed of Abraham thou mayst obtain a blessing in children.
Tobias 8:4-5, 9-10
4 Then Tobias exhorted the virgin, and said to her: Sara, arise,
and let us pray to God to day, and to morrow, and the next day: because for
these three nights we are joined to God: and when the third night is over,
we will be in our own wedlock. 5 For we are the children of saints, and we must not be joined
together like heathens that know not God. ...
9 And now, Lord, thou knowest, that not for fleshly lust do
I take my sister* to wife, but only for the love of posterity, in which thy
name may be blessed for ever and ever. 10 Sara also said: Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us,
and let us grow old both together in health.
[*The reference to sister in this passage refers to a distant
In conclusion, the approval of artificial
contraceptives, or even silence about how evil they are, will weaken
individuals resolve to remain chaste in the eyes of God. The idea that
sexual activity can be separated from childbearing will increase peoples
temptation to engage in sexual relationships where giving birth to
children is “totally unacceptable and out of the question.”
Contraceptives do fail even when used
“correctly.” When people establish and accept unchaste relationships
with the idea that pregnancy can be avoided by the use of contraceptives
they will have established a pattern of giving into their passions
instead of controlling them. At that point it is hard to imagine them
having the resolve to control their passions when the contraceptive is
not readily available or convenient. Therefore, the promotion of
contraceptives or even our acquiescence in tolerating them will lead to
more unwanted pregnancies not fewer. (3) As a
consequence, this will necessarily entail that there will be more
pressure on women to have an abortions.
Once a woman has had an abortion the psychological
trauma that she is likely to have experienced will make it nearly
impossible for her deal with the matter and enter into a logical
discussion about it for many years to come. See Post Abortion syndrome
link below. Therefore, a complete campaign against abortion must
include the battle against all the sins of unchaste behavior, and
especially against artificial contraception.
Looking back at the analogy of climbing Mt. McKinley or Mt. Everest
we can see that saying no to abortion in *all* circumstances is
much harder than conforming our sexual life style to the norms that God has
given to us in celibacy and natural family planning. If a person does
not train himself to take the higher moral ground when it involves smaller
sacrifices how will he have the strength to do the right thing when greater
sacrifices are called for. Artificial contraception and abortion
are not two isolated issues. Rather, they are both fruits of the same
tree. It is not a choice of fighting one or the other, but rather a
choice of effectively fighting them both or neither.
Rather than just stating that artificial contraception is intrinsically
evil, we need to explain why it is so and how Catholics have legitimate
resources in spacing their children by Natural Family Planning when the
condition warrants it. See
Natural Family Planning
"Father Paul Marx ... affirmed the
Church’s point in his autobiography
based on his broad experience in
traveling the world:
Having traveled and worked in
91 countries, I find no country
where contraception has not led to
abortion, to increasing fornication
among the young, to divorce, and to
all those other evils we see today
that make up the international sex
And it is quite a mess, isn’t it?
The Gallup poll should serve as a wake
up call. If we are serious about
strengthening the family, promoting the
well-being of children, reversing the
growing number of broken marriages in
our nation, ending abortion, upholding
the dignity of the aged and ill, and
promoting purity and chastity, then
let’s be honest about where the moral
breakdown begins."
Contraception: the gateway to moral
Because we ignore the issue of artificial contraception the
predictions of "Blessed" Pope Paul VI in Humanae
Vitae have come true and they have wrecked many marriages and many
1. However, many forms of birth control such as the
Pill are abortifacients, i.e. they actually do cause abortions.
See CCL Article
2. Legitimate natural family planning is always open to the
possibility of new life. And by focusing on the natural fertility cycle
of the woman this method nurtures a healthy respect for this union of Life
and Love in this act. It is in the procreative act that humans partake
in a role that unites them with the Divine. The two most profound words
that describe God are Life [or existence - I AM ] and Love. God
designed the marital act so that it naturally encompasses both of these qualities,
Life and Love. “Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must
separate.” Matthew 19:6 [Cf. 1 John 4:8 and Exodus 3:14]
Frank Pavone states,
“People who are valued because they are ‘wanted’ are in a
position such that they are expected to fulfill the desires (or
plans or expectations or agendas) of another. In distinction to
this, when a person is ‘welcomed’ that means that he or she is
accepted for his or her inherent value, just as they are, with
no strings attached. Being ‘welcomed’ is much healthier than
being ‘wanted.’ ”
We cannot separate the realities of our lives from the love of God
by Bishop Robert Vasa
Contraception: Why Not?
( FREE - Transcript of talk by Janet Smith)
CD- $5 ...
MP3 - $0.95
Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life:
4. Articles
on Abortion, Contraception, Natural Family Planning, Humanae Vitae
Abortion and Contraception: Fruits of the Same Tree:
“ … They are linked by a common mentality, which is that I
may stifle the power of sex to produce a new life. Pope John Paul II
wrote in his encyclical The Gospel of Life, " It is frequently
asserted that contraception, if made safe and available to all, is the
most effective remedy against abortion. The Catholic Church is then
accused of actually promoting abortion, because she obstinately
continues to teach the moral unlawfulness of contraception. When looked
at carefully, this objection is clearly unfounded. It may be that many
people use contraception with a view to excluding the subsequent
temptation of abortion. But the negative values inherent in the
"contraceptive mentality"—which is very different from responsible
parenthood, lived in respect for the full truth of the conjugal act—are
such that they in fact strengthen this temptation when an unwanted life
is conceived. Indeed, the pro- abortion culture is especially strong
precisely where the Church's teaching on contraception is rejected" (n.
Abortion Syndrome In his mercy God is reaching out with His forgiveness to women who have had
abortions. However, they usually have a tremendously difficult time
accepting the reality of what happened and forgiving themselves enough to
believe, to trust, to hope, that God can heal them and their child.
[ We might kill the body, but God has made the soul, the person, to live with
Him forever.]
Couple to Couple League
A Doctor Explains
How the Pill and Other Contraceptives Work
The Pill:
How Does it
work? Is it Safe?
The Pill Kills Women
Matters - Great web site encouraging chastity before
marriage. Great testimonies from celebrities. Geared toward
11. One More Soul - Articles:
What a Woman Should Know about Birth Control
Why Contraception Matters
What does the Bible say about contraception?
Why Is Contraception Immoral?
American Life League
- Life Issues and
Birth Control This site has several great pages including their Birth Control page which
links to this article by Janet Smith, Ph.D. Contraception: It facilitates the kind of relationships and even the kind of attitudes and
moral character that are likely to lead to abortion. The contraceptive mentality
treats sexual intercourse as though it had little natural connection with
babies; it thinks of babies as an “accident”
of intercourse, as an unwelcome
intrusion into a sexual relationship, as a burden.
Control Pills Cause Abortion * Simple: The Dirty Little Secrets About The Birth Control Pill
by Dr. John C. Willke, M.D.
Birth Control Pill
Causes Abortions ** Well Documented
Pro-Life America, Celebs expose abortion! Celebrities, Speakers, TV,
The Pill And Early Abortion by John F. Kippley It is a fact that even some pro-lifers find difficult to face: the pill causes
almost as many abortions as are done surgically each year in this country!
Video - How the Pill Causes Abortions
Good graphics on how the birth control pill works.
Conference : Contraception Is Not the Answer
How contraception has opened the door to several of society’s problems.
Contraception Leads to Abortions
The Facts:
Condoms Encourage Promiscuity which Leads to More Infections:
Namibian Bishop
When Does Pregnancy Begin ?
Human Life International
October 11, 2011 (HLIWorldWatch.org)
- The fatal danger of relentlessly pushing contraceptives on Uganda and other
African countries was laid bare recently in an alarming new report showing that
the most popular contraceptive in Eastern and Southern Africa may actually
double the risk of contracting HIV. After experiencing success in combating
HIV/AIDS in Uganda through an anti-contraception initiative, it’s not surprising
to hear that contraceptives are part of, and not a solution to, the problem.
[A]t the beginning of the new millennium, several
influences began to cripple the ABC program [ABC: “Abstain before marriage".]
Foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) began to aggressively undermine
the program simply because they could not allow it to succeed. In fact, the
program has actually been too successful for the population controllers’ liking,
and represents a real threat to their dogma of “Condoms first, condoms last,
condoms always.”
Family Values Versus Safe Sex
A Reflection by His Eminence
Cardinal Lopez Trujillo
... Condoms change the beautiful act of love into a
selfish search for pleasure – while rejecting responsibility. * Condoms do
not guarantee protection against HIV/AIDS. * Condoms may even be one of the
main reasons for the spread of HIV/AIDS. Apart from the possibility of
condoms being faulty or wrongly used they contribute to the breaking down of
self-control and mutual respect.” ...
[T]he fact that the “safe sex” campaigns have led not
to an increase in prudence, but to an increase in sexual promiscuity and
condom use. In fact, there are studies showing that HIV/AIDS cases increase
as the number of condoms distributed also increases.(58) ...
(56) … “Good intentions won’t protect you. About 15
percent of couples who rely on condoms to avoid pregnancy will still get
pregnant within the first year of use. And even if you did manage to use
them consistently and correctly, 2-4 percent of condoms leak, break or slip
off. And you’re not just at risk for pregnancy.”
(58) … summarizing data taken from the Harvard School
of Public Health
Man hired hitman to kill girlfriend for refusing abortion: police
... Cases of violence against pregnant women by their
husbands and boyfriends are sadly common. Statistically, the leading cause of
death for pregnant women is murder.
Mark Crutcher, the president of
Life Dynamics, who
has collected a large amount of data about instances of violence against
pregnant women, said that legal abortion only paves the way for such violence.
Some men, he said, operate under the tacit assumption that if their partners
become pregnant with an unwanted child, then they have the “safety net” of
abortion. But, he said, “What do they do when the woman they've impregnated
won’t jump into the net?"
By Mark Crutcher
Exposing The Partnership Between Planned Parenthood,
The National Abortion Federation And Men Who
Sexually Abuse Underage Girls
For several months Life Dynamics has been conducting an
investigation into the issue of teen pregnancy. What we have found can only be
described as sickening. Underage girls, some as young as 10 years old, are being
sexually exploited by adult men in numbers that are unprecedented in American
According to the most reliable studies, among girls 15
and younger who become pregnant, between 60 and 80 percent of them are
impregnated by adult men. …
By almost any standard, our country is experiencing an
epidemic of child sexual abuse.6 In this report you will see that the driving
force behind this tragedy is the fact that men who prey on underage girls have
powerful national organizations that are willing to harbor them. Our
investigation has uncovered irrefutable evidence that both Planned Parenthood
and the National Abortion Federation - often operating on taxpayer dollars -
knowingly conceal these crimes while aiding and abetting the sexual predators
who commit them. …
The Facts Of Life & Marriage
by W. Bradford Wilcox
Social Science & the Vindication of Christian Moral
In Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI warned that the
widespread use of contraception would lead to “conjugal infidelity and the
general lowering of morality”; he also warned that man would lose respect
for woman and “no longer [care] for her physical and psychological
equilibrium”; rather, man would treat woman as a “mere instrument of selfish
enjoyment, and no longer as his respected and beloved companion.” Why? By
breaking the natural and divinely ordained connection between sex and
procreation, women and especially men would focus on the hedonistic
possibilities of sex and cease to see sex as something that was
intrinsically linked to new life and to the sacrament of marriage. ...
Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist
Seminary … wrote:
Thirty years of sad experience demonstrate that Humanae
Vitae [correctly] sounded the alarm, warning of a contraceptive mentality
that would set loose immeasurable evil …”
The science of attraction:
How the pill is changing who women want
Contraception and Abortion: The Underlying Link
By Reverend Walter J. Schu, L.C.
28. Sherif Girgis writes :
“Now there’s a difference between thwarting a good and avoiding it. Say
you have to keep a secret from a friend. You could do that by lying to him,
or by avoiding him on a day when he might pry. In the first case, you thwart community
by choosing what would build it up (a conversation) and then preventing it
from doing so. In the second, you merely avoid the whole chance to build it
up—even if the avoiding takes planning and effort. And avoiding a
chance to achieve some good, on account of the costs of doing so, can’t be
wrong in itself. After all, it’s inevitable. We’re forced to do that every
time we face a hard choice.
Likewise, there’s nothing wrong with the goal of avoiding pregnancy for
good reasons ..."
A Defense of the Christian Teaching Against Contraception
29. Contraception: Why Not? JANET E SMITH
Fee MP3,
Text, Free
Study Guide,
Discussion Questions –
Suggestions for Classroom Use
Humanae Vitae: A Challenge to Love
by Janet E. Smith, PhD
31 Trent Horn Refutes Claim
NFP is Same as Contraception ???,
with Wedding Invitation analogy.
31. Because we ignore the issue of artificial contraception the
predictions of "Blessed" Pope Paul VI in Humanae
Vitae have come true and they have wrecked many marriages and many
Cool Catholic
See Articles