153 Fish Bible. 153 Large Fish in John Bible - John explains his purpose for the use of 153 Fish, 153 large fish in John 21:11, as a metaphor.  Bible points to the context.



God’s Gift - the Papacy


SDA  Adventist claim 538 – 1798, 1260 years prove the Papacy is the Anti-Christ


Part 1.  538 AD

Part 2.  The Historical Events between 538 – 1798

Part 3. God’s Gift - the Papacy  -  this page


My Seventh Day Adventist (SDA)  friend claims that the Papacy is the Anti-Christ.  


The anti-Christ is not a system but a person who will deny the belief of the Incarnation. 


The Incarnation is so important to Catholics that they are required to worship God with a bow when they professes it in the creed at every Sunday Mass. 


The validity of every doctrine that we have is based on the foundation that Jesus is the God - Man and is therefore trustworthy and that His promises - to guide and protect and work through the Magisterium on the Church that He founded - are trustworthy.  We accept the Church's teachings , Eucharist etc.  


Our faith is in the truthfulness of Jesus’s Promise, and the Power of the Holy Spirit to effect that promise in spite of the sins of the members of the Church, and the Love of the Father who wants to give us certainty - Infallibility - in how to reach our Heavenly home.


We  Do  Not  Accept  The  Church's  Teachings   Just  Because  We  Are  Intellectually  Smart  Enough  To Reason  To  Them  Or   Because  They   Are  in Agreement  With  Our  Private  Interpretation  Of   The  Bible.    That would not be faith.  We need God’s grace to believe and to love truly.


But, in spite of the sins of men God in his mercy prevailed for our benefit.  By his grace we can know with certainty the sure path to heaven.  We do not have to become egotistical and just assume our private interpretation of the Bible is correct and that everyone else is wrong. 


We do not have to commit the sin that Peter made on the night before Jesus crucifixion.  He had egotistically proclaimed that his own faith was true and that he would faithfully follow Jesus and persevere to the end.


Many today still make the same mistake as they consider themselves the judge of their own faith, and how strong and steadfast it will be.


Those who believe in the false doctrine of Faith Alone, can be strongly influenced to have a strong need to convince themselves that their own faith is impeccable. 


However, Jesus desires that we become more humble like Peter was in John 21, rather than how he proudly proclaimed his faith at the Last Supper.


Peter had once presumed on the greatness of his own faith and love telling his Master the night of the Last Supper, that even though all others would be offended and scandalized in Him, that he, Peter, would not deny. 


In John 21, Peter was now addressed as Simon, son of John - Simon being his original name.  Our Lord was reminding Peter of his past three times denial. 


Jesus was walking and leading Peter up the path of humility.  All the Saints had become humble.  Only Jesus was more humble, when God became the Man-God.  


Jesus asked Peter in John 21 if Peter’s love was stronger than the rest.  Now humbled, Peter makes no more comparisons with the others. 


There are two different Greek words used for love in John 21.  The first two times Jesus was asking if Peter had agape love, that is, a great love that is perfected by God’s grace. 


Humbled, Peter now only proclaims himself to have a love that is lower, a brotherly love.


John 21:17
“Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?”


The third time Jesus asks his question using the second Greek word denoting this lower love.  He asks Peter if he even has this lower brotherly love. 


That Jesus was now questioning Peter’s lower brotherly love was distressing for Peter.  Peter responds with the humility that he did not have at the Last Supper. 


He professes a brotherly love that is apparent not just by Divine judgement, but that even this lower brotherly love is apparent and known by simple observation.


Peter grows more humble with each question.  That Peter’s answer is now correct and favored by Jesus is shown by Jesus triple affirmation instead of the rebuke or correction that Peter got at the Last Supper, Matthew 26:34.   Now humbled, Peter is commissioned by Jesus.


Peter is told three times to feed and tend the sheep in Jesus’ absence.  God does not reward a bad heart.  Therefore, Simon Peter, now humbled was more pleasing to God.


Calling Peter Simon must have also reminded Peter of his glorious confession when Our Lord said to him,  ‘Blessed art thou Simon, son of John,’ and made him the Rock on which He would build His Church.” 


True faith is not believing or convincing ourselves that our faith is true.  Rather, faith means to trust that God will be faithful to His promise that Peter and his successors will not officially define error as truth and truth as error.


We do not worship the Pope.  And, this does not mean that he will never teach wrongly, but it does mean when He officially defines what is true we can know with certainty that this is the true path to heaven.


 May God be Praised


And Christ’s Promise to Peter was not to be without effect. 
See Matthew 16:13-19, Luke  22:28-32, and John 21:15-18


SDA  Adventist claim 538 – 1798, 1260 years prove the Papacy is the Anti-Christ


Part 1.  538 AD

Part 2.  The Historical Events between 538 – 1798

Part 3.  God's Gift  -  this page


Christ giving the Keys to Peter




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