Why Be Catholic ?
believe not because I have intellectually worked out all the details of
the logic supporting each doctrine.
I believe because I have the gift of faith.
Why did I as a child believe in my parents?
Is it because I have deduced it all ?
First, I believe because it is an undeserved gift I received at Baptism.
Matthew 18:3
If I was an adult non-Catholic, why would I ask - at least I hope that I
would - to receive the gift of faith that comes with the Sacrament of
Baptism ?
Even using the weaker position of logic, as opposed to the gift of
faith, I would - hopefully - deduce that there must be a God, and that
Jesus was and is God.
See G.K. Chesterton's Everlasting Man,
I would choose NOT to place my trust in man, and especially not myself and
not in my own reasoning. After all I know that I am a sinner.
Besides, how many times have I changed my mind ?
Obviously, I can be wrong.
No, it is not in MAN, I would choose to place my trust. Rather - hopefully -
each of us would place our trust in God.
God is faithful to His Promise to work infallibly through the Church He
built on St. Peter.
The ideal of placing more of our trust in God, and placing less
trust in man, is a practice or an approach that would lead a person to
becoming a Catholic. However, then, why do Catholics have a Pope?
As for Catholics, we place our trust in God. When a Protestant quotes the Bible to attack a
Catholic doctrine his foundation is Not the Bible, but his
interpretation of the Bible. Every verse is the Bible is completely
Catholic. The Protestant will often place his trust in his own
private interpretation, his own conjecture and reason as to what that
Bible passage means. His foundation is MAN, in that he has made
himself or his pastor as his pope. Whereas, the Catholic is
trusting in Jesus Christ to be faithful to His promise to infallibly
teach through His Church that He built on St. Peter.
Matthew 16:16-19, 1 Timothy
3:15, and Luke 10:16 etc.
place our faith in the Love of the Father, and in the Truth of the Son,
and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
We can know that Catholicism is true because it is
a Church instituted by Christ (
Matthew 16:18-19), which is infallibly guided to the
correct answer for the essential questions for our
salvation. Our certainty is based on our faith in the Love of the Father
whose desire is to save us, and not leave us as
orphans. Orphans are those who do not have a clear unmistakable audible
voice of how to get to heaven.
And our certainty is also based on our faith in the truthfulness and integrity of Jesus Christ to be
faithful to His Promises about His Church He built on St. Peter. And
it is based on our faith in
the power of the Holy Spirit to effect those promises to be true and
fulfilled in spite of the sins of the Popes and Bishops, so that the
infallible decrees of that Church are protected by God’s grace to be
free from error.
0 my God! I firmly believe that Thou art one God in three divine
persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost; I believe that Thy divine Son
became man, and died for our sins, and that He will come to judge
the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which
the Holy Catholic Church teaches, because Thou
hast revealed them, Who canst neither deceive nor be deceived.
Baltimore Catechism
We examine a Church by looking at the lives of
those who follow her teachings, not by looking at those who willfully
violate them.
See :
God’s Church built on St. Peter
God’s Promises
Apostolic Succession
Literal Scriptural Passages of Catholic Doctrine
There are many questions for which Protestantism
just does not have a good answer.
Essential questions must be answered. For example,
Which books belong in the New Testament ? ( The
Table of Contents is not part of the Inspired text.)
The Canon, Who decides ? A divinely instituted and
guided Church, or human arguments
John 5:33-34
“You sent emissaries to John, and he testified to
the truth.
I (Jesus) do not accept testimony from a human being, but I say this so
that you may be saved.”
A lesser thing cannot be the foundation and support
of something that is greater. Merely human opinion cannot authenticate
what is, or what is not, the Word of God. If Sola Scriptura, Bible
Alone, is a true doctrine and since the Bible itself has no inspired
canon, or Table of Contents, then the most Protestants can claim
is to have a fallible list of infallible books. The bedrock of all his
conclusions on how to interpret Sacred Scripture and even what is
Scripture, what is the Bible, is based on his own human authority or
See more Questions
for Non-Catholics
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You Tube Video's
Madrid Why Be Catholic - Video
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