The  Da  Vinci  Code : Cracked


Mistakes – Serious

Church + Science

Flat Earth

Alt. Version



Books and movies can have a powerful effect on those who enjoy them. Unfortunately, The Da Vinci Code presents the Catholic Church as an extremely evil institution, and it grossly misrepresents history, and worst of all it blasphemously insults God. That is reason enough to discourage people from giving their money to those who promote it.

The Internet resources on the right are intended to help assess the potential dangers of the book and how to refute it.  Catholic Exchange offers the best concise descriptive account of why we should be lovingly concerned about those who are influenced by it.

Mrs. Mary Kochan from Catholic Exchange reports:

[My friends went to movie theater last weekend and ... ] they were not surprised to see a preview for The Da Vinci Code [ movie with Tom Hanks and Directed by Ron Howard.]

A Stunning Response

They were not surprised either to see that the preview featured two minutes of fast-paced, heart-pumping excitement and suspense. They knew that the book was considered a real page-turner. They were not shocked to see a murder scene and what was supposed to be an Opus Dei monk whipping and cutting himself. They already knew that there was murder in the book and that the author, Dan Brown, egregiously and sensationally misrepresented Opus Dei — which, by the way, has no monks.

They were somewhat surprised to see that the preview ended with the injunction, "Seek the Truth," since neither the author of the book, nor the producer or director of the movie, have shown the slightest interest in doing so themselves.

But they were beyond surprised — they were stunned — when the preview ended and the audience erupted in rousing applause with some people even standing in enthusiastic appreciation. That is not good news. Not for anyone who cares about truth. Not for any Catholic who is concerned with the rising tide of anti-Catholicism in the culture. ...

The Da Vinci Code book has been on the New York Times Best Seller List for nearly three years and sold over 40 million copies in 44 languages. It has damaged the faith of millions and the movie version threatens to multiply this harm many times.

Responding to The Da Vinci Code by defending the biblical record of the life of Christ is the responsibility of all Christians. But The Da Vinci Code is especially an attack on the Catholic Church, her history and her institutions. Catholics are rising to the defense of the faith and Catholic Exchange is leading the way …


What Can We Do About It ?

Jeffery M. Schwehm offers some great advice on how to start a discussion group using the FREE study guides offered below. 

“Our priests are extremely busy and many cannot lead a discussion like this due to time constraints. If your priest cannot lead the class, any layperson can facilitate the discussion group. The study guides [below] … make leading the class easy to do — even for someone who has never led a group.”

Free Resources including:
Free Study Guides, Homily Helps, 4 Week and One Night Study Guides for Youths and Adults, Etc.


Get Involved


What if I already bought The Da Vinci Code ? 

Well, with over 44 million copies sold you are not alone. In appreciation for all the hard work that others have done to explain the errors in Dan Brown’s book and in gratitude to them for offering so much of it free of charge on the Internet I wanted to offer them some financial compensation. 

They have not only helped me, but so many others as well.  So, I bought one book in the Commercial Resources section and I bought the other book on CD. Check out Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George’s recommendation for Carl Olson’s book.

Consider distributing this FREE pamphlet to friends and movie goers.


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Alternate Version

I believe that one reason that The Da Vinci Code is so popular is because of its anti-Catholic message.  It opposes Christ and those who seek to follow Him.  Some people will think that Dan Brown’s assertions give them an intellectual justification for dissenting from the “Vatican,” the Catholic Church.  And therefore, they will have at least a subconscious attraction to it.

Although, it is true that our separated brothers and sister in Christ will also be offended by the books assertion that Jesus is not truly Divine.  Therefore, it behooves us to unite with them in opposing this novel and movie.  However, since many of them are also opposed to the Catholic Church - although not really the Catholic Church, but rather how they misunderstand her to be - this alternate pamphlet has been rewritten with the emphasis on the word “Christian” instead of the word “Catholic.”  

See Alternate Pamphlet


Alternate Adobe PDF 
one page pamphlet
76K                                              19K




















Mistakes – Serious

Church + Science

Flat Earth

Alt. Version



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Also See

Angels & Demons


External Links                      




Free Audio




Last Supper Links

Last Supper  
Apostles - Labeled
Identities - Good Description
Hands - Analysis by Mario Taddei
Leonardo da Vinci


Virgin of the Rocks or
Madonna of the Rocks

Virgin of the Rocks, by Leonardo da Vinci, Musée du Louvre, Paris. 100KB Image 2,    Details 3

Virgin of the Rocks, by Leonardo da Vinci, Oil on wood. National Gallery, London, UK. Image 2



Free  MP3  Audio  C. Olson Speech  +1 Hr
33  MB - Huge. 
Right click,
Save Link (Target) As,
select folder in which to save it.
From St. Michael’s

Last Supper -  MP3   3.6 MB   C. Olson, Excerpt from above

MP3 Audio - Carl Olson talk in South Dakota, 9 MB

MP3 Audio - From Human Life Int.
                      A Violation of Women
                    and Anti -Feminism - by
                      Dr.  Marie Meaney
                      Read Transcript.        


At this Web site:

Refuting The Da Vinci Code page 2
Laughable  Mistakes

Madonna of the Rocks  - Who’s who

Just  Fiction ? - Why this issue is important

Divinity : Jesus is truly God

Science and the Church: How the Church promoted the Sciences


External Links

Plot summary  - Anti-Catholic, by Amy Welborn.

Falsehoods in The Da Vinci Code -
A quick list by C.R. Publications

Early Fathers on the Divinity of Christ

Da Vinci Code Critique by Carl Olson.
in Envoy Magazine
Part I  -  Part II

Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code
Excerpts from The Da Vinci Hoax
by Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel

The  “It's Just Fiction!”  Doctrine:
Reading Too Little Into The Da Vinci Code
by Carl E. Olson | March 14, 2005

Fiction or Truth : Dr. Pitre explains how this fictional novel is really an assault on important truths.

Dismantling The Da Vinci Code
By Sandra Miesel

Cracking The Da Vinci Code
 by Catholic Answers

More Links

Artistic Blunders in “Da Vinci Code”
By Elizabeth Lev  

Our Sunday Visitor - Da Vinci, templars and the third secret of Fatima - Anti-Catholicism sells.

Cryptex - Dan Brown’s make believe,
Not Leonardo’s invention

Fr. Gary Coulter - article and links

Anti-Feminism- Of the Da Vinci Code.  See its Anti -Feminism - written by Dr.  Marie Meaney

Other-Cott -  Should we watch this movie ?



 Create your own Dan Brown Novel – Be sure to hit your refresh button. Each one is “original” as the next. Must See. Hilarious



Commercial  Resources


The Da Vinci Deception,
by M. Shea and E. Sri
Order Book at 1-800-376-0520.

The Da Vinci Hoax,
by C. Olson and S. Miesel
 -the complete refutation. DVD
Order Book at 1-800-651-1531


Books on Compact Disc           

The Da Vinci Hoax:
Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code
By: Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel
Read By Matthew Arnold    
Order  CD's   1-800-526-2151


This webmaster has no financial interest in the links above. They are merely provided as a convenience.