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Brief Summary
Why 153 Fish in
John 21:11 ?
Sections :
Church Fathers : Sts. Jerome, Augustine, Gregory the Great, Cyril A.
No Reason ?
Why Church Fathers’ Answers Could Not Be John’s
Problems with Square Root of 3 Answer
Context Points to the Answer : An Explanation That Works
Archimedes : Context of Time and Place
Greeks and Wisdom
Calculating the Measure of the Fish
John’s Purpose
Why Church Fathers Did Not (could not?) Give John’s Idea
Problems with Square Root of
3 Answer
Some have said the John was referring to the square root of three
when he used the number 153. This is an interesting idea, but it has
some real problems.
Wikipedia states:
The number 153 has also been related to the vesica piscis, with
the claim that Archimedes used 153 as a "shorthand or abbreviation"
for the square root of 3 in his On the Measurement of the Circle.
However, examination of that work does not find the number 153 used
in that way.
There are two fractions that were used to
approximate the value of √3. They are 1351/780 > √3 > 26/153
John was an effective
communicator. So, it is reasonable for
us to conclude that John would have given his readers sufficient
information to infer whatever reference to which he was alluding. So, if
John had intended “153 fish” to be specific allusion to the square root
of 3 then we must ask the question, “How could John have known that his
readers would make a solid inference and not just attributed his text to
being just a chance similarity without any necessary correlation?”
The link between 153 fish and what John was
alluding to would have to have been strong enough for John to known that
his readers would make the proper connection. It seems unlikely that the
single and possibly chance occurrence of 153 in one of the denominators,
in one of the four numbers, that were used to make up the two fractions
that were used to approximate the square root of 3 would have made that
link strong enough.
The primary reference John was making would
have to be a lot stronger than what we see here for John to know that
his readers would follow the connection he was making.
And we might add, if John had been alluding
to the square root of 3 we would have to ask why? The square root of 3
is not part of the Gospel. |