Free  Pamphlet

Evangelize the Easy Way
with  Icons by Msgr. Anthony La Femina

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More  Topics:  

How much does God love you?

Is the Mass just a boring ritual?

How much value do you place on going to Mass?

How much value did Jesus place on the Mass?

How much is your life worth?

How much is your vocation worth?

How much meaning and value can suffering have?

True Beauty,

True Love,

True Joy,

The Key to healthy relationships - Finding and doing God’s will,


When does Human Life Begin ?

How are we saved ?

Mary’s Role in our Salvation

The Greatest Act of Love. 

Faith in God’s divine providence




Closed Mindedness - Biggest Obstacle
Starting the Conversation   -  Breaking Through Closed Mindedness

One way of beginning the conversation is to ask, “Don't you think this Icon is appropriate for a Christmas Card?”
This will open up a discussion for one of the topics below:

Annunciation Icon

    First: Explaining how the Annunciation Icon is appropriate for Christmas

    Second: Explain the  Spiritual  Significance of the Annunciation Icon and its Pro - Life Message

Last  Supper  Icon

    First: Explaining how the Last Supper - Crucifix  Icon is appropriate for Christmas

       A. The word Christmas,  
       B.  Myrrh, or 
       C.  Joy

              1.  What is true Joy?
              2.  What is the meaning of Christmas ?    Three Questions

                     a.      From what are we being saved?
                     b.     For what are we being saved?   And
                     c.      How are we saved?

             3.  How does this icon symbolize Joy and Love?

                    a.  God the Father’s love for mankind
                    b.  Jesus’ love for mankind
                    c.  Jesus’ love for His Father,  and most importantly
                    d.  God the Father’s love for God the Son.


Second : Choose to explain one of the several other spiritual meanings of the Last Supper - Crucifixion Icon

        Beauty,    The Key to Healthy Relationships,     Suffering,  or 

Explaining the Mass

How much did Jesus value the Mass?

What is the biggest lie that has ever been told ? 




For some deep theology endorsed by Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, consider Monsignor Anthony La Femina’s Icon of the Footwashing and his new book Eucharist and Covenant in John’s Last Supper Account.


Why does John’s Gospel leave out the Institution of the Holy Eucharist, and why do the Synoptic Gospel’s leave out the Washing of the Feet?

What do these have in common?

Did Jesus say Mass at the Last Supper?  (Hint: Answer is YES!)

And be ready to be surprised when you consider the following question.

When did Jesus institute His Church?

See the Icon, and Book


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